1962 : Birth in Paris
1979-1985: Studies at the CNSM in Paris, prize for composition and orchestration
1993: Grand prize for classical improvisation (piano) at the Montbrison international competition
1996-1998: Resident at the Villa Médicis (Rome)
1999-2001: Resident at the Casa de Velazquez (Madrid)
2004: Monographic CD Psalm
2005: creation of the secular oratorio Une femme de parole
2007: creation of the secular oratorio L’encore aveugle
2008 / 2009 : beginning of workshops with long-sentenced prisoners, creation of Nocturnes de Clairvaux, Paroles contre l’oubli, a documentary by Julien Sallé Or, les murs…
May 2009: monographic cd Sur la terre simple
January 2010: monographic cd Nativités profanes
September 2010 : boxed set Clairvaux, Or, les murs… (Grand prix de l’académie Charles Cros with Julien Sallé, Clef d’or ResMusica)
March 2011 : Grand Prix Lycéen des Compositeurs (choice of high school students and of teachers)
November 2011 : monographic cd Lucis memoria
March 2012 : Creation of the ensemble Territoires du souffle, concert at the Théâtre du Châtelet for the Grand Prix Lycéen des Compositeurs 2012
May 2012 : monographic cd Voir, Ensemble, Maintenant
School years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014: Set of works required for the baccalaureat (music option)
spring/summer 2013: guest composer in several festivals
November 2013: Creation of the chamber opera Les lessiveuses, documentary by Franck Cuvelier Humanitudes
May 2014: set of mandatory works at the Florilège international de Tours
December 2014: creation of the opera for choir Le duplicateur
Spring 2015 : election of the project L’Europe de mes rêves by the Fédération Nationale des Chorales Scolaires and the Académie Villecroze
March 2016 : creation of Trilogie de la détention (ensembles 2e2m and Territoires du souffle, conducted by Pierre Roullier) at the Collège des Bernardins in Paris
November 2016 : book-CD Outre-Chœur, published by Bruno Doucey
May 2017: creation of L’Europe de mes rêves, an oratorio in 27 languages, with 800 school children from several European countries
June 2017: selected for a musical composition residency at Villa Kujoyama (Kyoto, Japan) in spring 2018
September 2017: “Coup de coeur” from the Académie Charles Cros for his book-CD Outre-Chœur
November 2018: creation of Mémorial, during the World Peace Days in Berlin
January 2019: feedback concert for workshops with students in Tours prison, new documentary by Franck Cuvelier Composer en liberté
May 2020: completion of the new version of Trilogie de la détention
June 2021: creation of Notre-Dame des flammes, with the ensemble Diabolus in Musica, Marthe Vassallo and Bruno Hellstroffer
August 2021: creation of L’éternité, with the ensemble Ptyx
Spring 2022: completion of One World At A Time, a musical for high school students