
Human dream

— May 2024

Opus : 39 / Type d'œuvre : Pour voix et instrument(s)

This work originated in the idea of completing a programme based on Britten’s Ceremony of Carols. Kathleen Raine’s poetry enabled me to move away from a religious context and reflect on the world and Nature… This poetic journey tells the story of a melancholy young woman who no longer believes in life. The children energetically intervene with her, and little by little she gives in to a form of lyrical and fiery expression, until she becomes… pregnant! The final track is a lullaby for the unborn child, and a song of hope for the world.

Recordings, audio exerpts :
CD “Nativités profanes”, Label Inconnu LI 09-1001, distribution Codæx. Maîtrise de La Perverie conducted by Gilles Gérard, mezzo-soprano Corinne Bahuaud, harp Jung Wha Lee.

Difficulty rating: moderate

Kathleen Raine
Texts collected and put into a booklet by the composer.
With thanks to the poet Brian Keeble, the copyright owner.

Solo mezzo-soprano, children’s choir (SMA), with divisi and soloists, harp

Duration : approx. 27 mins
Cycle in 8 parts: “Persephone remembers”, “Spell against sorrow”, “Paradise-seed”, “Spell to bring lost creatures home”, “The human dream”, “Love spell”, “Embryon”, “Spell of sleep”.

Extraits audio

  • Persephone remembers
    CD « Nativités profanes », Label Inconnu LI 09-1001, distribution Codæx
  • Spell against sorrow
    CD « Nativités profanes », Label Inconnu LI 09-1001, distribution Codæx
  • Pradise seed
    CD « Nativités profanes », Label Inconnu LI 09-1001, distribution Codæx
  • Spell to bring lost creatures home
    CD « Nativités profanes », Label Inconnu LI 09-1001, distribution Codæx
  • The human dream
    CD « Nativités profanes », Label Inconnu LI 09-1001, distribution Codæx
  • Love spell
  • Embryon
    CD « Nativités profanes », Label Inconnu LI 09-1001, distribution Codæx
  • Spell of sleep
    CD « Nativités profanes », Label Inconnu LI 09-1001, distribution Codæx
Editeur : Éditions Musicales du Tremble, avec l'aimable autorisation de Mr Brian Keeble -