“The Duplicator tells the story of the privatisation of living beings by large multinationals. A sprawling company called “Monsanton” has granted itself a monopoly on cloning, going so far as to dispossess human beings of their most precious possession: their bodies, and the very thing that gives meaning to their lives: their death.
In this world dominated by Monsanton, each person, if they die, is immediately duplicated, with their memory, their memories and their personality… provided, of course, that they pay (more and more dearly) for this service…”. Benoît Richter
difficulty rating: medium to difficult
Benoît Richter
Soloists, SATB choir with divisi, electric guitar, accordion, double bass
Duration: 75 mins
Ouverture, Prologue (Tu es passée au marché), Un jingle, scene 1 (ça fait comment), scene 2 (Lisez), scene 3 (slogans), scene 4 (Récitatif du sur-endetté, Chœur des Opérateurs), scene 5 (instrumental), Sept jingles, scene 7 (Récitatif et Choral des surviveurs), scene 8 (Le premier homme), scene 9 (berceuse), scene 10 (Récitatif et Chœur des Jumelles), scene 11 (instrumental), scene 12 (Bizness), scene 13 (Charolais), scene 14 (Le Clos des perdrix), scenes 15 et 16 (UN), scene 17 (Les bonnes résiliations), Final (Last Choral and Final choir)