
Trois prières

— May 2024

Opus : 11 n° 2 / Type d'œuvre : Pour voix seule(s)

Tristes erant apostoli, opus 11 n°2 a

Lux æterna, opus 11 n°2 b

Jesu, dulcis memoria, opus 11 n°2 c

Transcending sadness, death and time, turning towards the light, seeking within ourselves the resources for this conversion, but perhaps also agreeing to receive this energy from outside, particularly through the practice of singing together…

Lucis memoria” CD, November 2011, Label Inconnu LI 11-1001, distribution codæx

Difficulty rating: moderate

Liturgical tradition


Mixed choir

Duration: approximately 3 minutes for each piece

Extraits audio

  • Tristes erant apostoli
    CD « Lucis memoria », novembre 2011, Label Inconnu LI 11-1001, distribution codæx
  • Lux æterna
    CD « Lucis memoria », novembre 2011, Label Inconnu LI 11-1001, distribution codæx
  • Jesu, dulcis memoria
    CD « Lucis memoria », novembre 2011, Label Inconnu LI 11-1001, distribution codæx
Editeur : Éditions Musicales du Tremble -